Count.It Classic

Count.It has an exciting new app, but the original Count.It "Classic" platform is still alive and well. The new Count.It is great for most groups, but Classic still has some features we have not yet added to the new platform. If you want to stick with Count.It Classic for now, no problem! If you're not sure whether to use the new or the old, see our feature comparison table below!

Go to Classic

New vs. Classic

FeatureNew Classic
Zoomable Challenge PathCheckmark
Smart LevelsCheckmark
Emoji ReactionsCheckmark
Push & InApp NotificationsCheckmark
Steps, Exercise, Meditation ChallengesCheckmarkCheckmark
Hybrid Points ChallengesCheckmarkCheckmark
Rank & Target Score ChallengesCheckmarkCheckmark
Native Apps (iOS & Android)CheckmarkCheckmark
Auto Sync TrackersCheckmarkCheckmark
Teams ChallengesCheckmarkCheckmark
Slack AppQ4 2024Checkmark
MS Teams IntegrationQ4 2024NA
Pay per user based on actual usageCheckmark
Pre-pay based on estimated group sizeCheckmark